Purchase Invoice Import

The Purchase Invoice Import add-on allows a bulk import of several Purchase Invoices and Purchase Credit Memos into Business Central from a regular Excel file. You can select what fields you want to import, and the add-on will put all the values in the right places – no need to follow a template!

This can be useful for organizations who enter more than 10-15 invoices into Business Central weekly, as Purchase Invoices and Credit Memos will now be uploaded in bulk, simply by entering them into Excel and running the import.

Users can focus on the fields that are relevant to them in their import file, without worrying about all the additional fields on the Business Central application.

The add-on will perform validations to make sure that any required fields have been entered, codes are valid, dimension values exist, etc.

Once the Excel file is ready, run the import in Business Central, select the Excel file, and that’s it! The add-on will create all the invoices and credit memos within a few seconds.

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Watch the demo:

Filling in the Excel File

Lighthouse Experts Group will provide your team with a list of fields to choose from – you can then pick which Purchase Invoice/Credit Memo fields you want to use in your import file.

Download The List of Available Fields Here

If there is a custom field, or other non-standard field you want to use in your import – let us know!

The point is – each user decides which fields are relevant to them, which fields they want to use in their import, and they choose the ordering of the fields in their file.

This means different users can use different templates, or the same user can use different templates depending on the types of invoices they want to import. The add-on dynamically adjusts to whatever template you choose.

Excel File for Purchase Invoice Import

Running the Purchase Invoice Import in Business Central

Once the app has been installed, use the Search button to run the Purchase Invoice Import.

Purchase Invoice Import Search Bar

You will then be presented with a pop-up window that asks you to select the Excel file to import.

Purchase Invoice Import Options page

To do this, press on the Ellipsis button (…), select Choose…, then select the Excel file to import.

Purchase Invoice Import File Lookup

Once the file is selected, press OK.

Purchase Invoice Import Options page

You will be presented with a progress window while the invoices and credit memos are being created.

Purchase Invoice Import processing

When the import is complete, the import will show a message saying Import Successful along with the number of lines that were imported from the Excel file.

Purchase Invoice Import import successful

You will now see the imported invoices on the Purchase Invoices page. They are now ready for you to review, send for approval, or post.

Purchase Invoices List